Sunday, 24 April 2011

Newry And Mourne Sub-Aqua Club enjoy a week's diving with Davy Jones

We all had a great time over the last week with 14 members of the Newry and Mourne Sub-aqua club. Members went to most of the best sites on the Island, with some diving in Las Palmas in the Catedral, the Arona, Frigorifica and Little Kalais. Others went to Mogan where we dived on the Cermona II. But favourite for most was the El Cabrón Marine Reserve where they dived the arches, the caves, the bays and the Table Top, seeing a wide range of Canarian marine life including Angelsharks, Rays, Cuttlefish, Barracudas, Octopii and much more. We all had a great time entertaining them and having some fun and great dives.